White Papers
Understanding Acoustic Glazing
Specifying the best glass for noise reduction
The ability to control external sounds in our homes, workplaces, hospitals and schools has gained importance due to modern lifestyles and the close proximity of these buildings to highways, airports, construction sites and industry. Among the many building materials and products that make up a structure, windows and doors have a big impact on how well the home or building is insulated from outside noise. With the wide range of glazing solutions available, understanding the differences between single-glazing, multi-layered glazing, laminated glass and high-performance acoustic glazing is essential.
Understanding Acoustic Glazing : Specifying the best glass for noise reduction explores the role of glazing in acoustic design and how different types of glazing products compare in terms of sound reduction performance. We highlight what makes acoustic glass a high-performance solution distinct from other forms of glazing. We also look at common misconceptions surrounding acoustic glass.
Australia’s leading brand of acoustic glass, Genuine Hush™ is highly specified and made exclusively by Oceania Glass™. Genuine Hush™ offers a range of quality performance acoustic glass that has been tested and certified. The Genuine Hush™ acoustic performance range comprises of QLam Hush™ and ComfortHush™ – two distinct yet complementary products suited to a wide range of applications and available in a choice of colours.
Download this whitepaper and learn why acoustic glass stands above the rest when it comes to sound reduction.